Girls Bravo Episode 20

Season 3 Episode 44: Bravo Dawn!

...Yukinari resided for a very long time in a deep and restful sleep. He awakens to a cool and peaceful morning with the sun just rising out of the horizon and the morning light illuminating the curtains in his room making them glow a dark, cold blue color. The sound of the ticking clock on his wall accompanied the sound of birds chirping outside as he closed his eyes once more hoping to get a bit more rest. Doing so, he was briefly visited by memories of his fight against Seiichirou, winning it with a mix of cunning and luck only to find out that his painful exertions were largely unnecessary thanks to Nina's cruel humor. Meeting up with Miharu only to find out she was in no danger or distress in the least made him feel that a good rest was all the more needed. What happened after his returning home following his meeting with Miharu is when his memory becomes somewhat fuzzy, vague recollections of a mysterious brunette proving elusive. Whatever the case, all he wanted was to go back to sleep and last night's sleep was some of the most restful he's had in a very long time.

'Girls Bravo vol. Archived from the original on March 16, 2016. – Old link at the Wayback Machine (archived May 10, 2006) Santos, Carlo (October 12, 2005). 'Girls Bravo DVD 2'. Anime News Network. Douglass, Todd (2 Dec 2010). 'Girls Bravo: The Complete Box Set'. Houston, Don (June 13, 2005). Meet the cast and learn more about the stars of of Girls Bravo with exclusive news, photos, videos and more at

Going back to sleep should have been easy but he couldn't help but be distracted by the smell of a peach shampoo caressing his nose and a light weight pressing down on his chest. This weight, whatever it was, breathed slowly and peacefully, its breathing wafting his chest. He reaches for this odd weight and could feel that it had hair. He looks at it through half-lidded eyes and finds Kirie's head resting on his chest. He finds one of his arms wrapped around her, her chest pressing down on his ribs and at this his eyes were forced wide open. As he realizes the circumstances, he finds that he and Kirie were both nearly naked save for her tank top loosely wrapped around her and her denim skirt with nothing underneath. Yukinari, resisting every urge to scream out in shock, gently lifts her off of himself and sits up. Breaking out in one of the coldest, most nervous sweats of his life, he begins to make sense of the situation he had just found himself in.

'Okay... Re-remain calm Yukinari' he whispers to himself, his head in his hands. 'What in the hell just happened!?' he demanded desperately. Immediately, he is visited by vivid images of he and Kirie in each other's embrace, kissing passionately for what could have been 10, 15, or even 20 minutes. Memories of his body laying atop Kirie's come forth, her arms wrapped around him, his arms around her, and tongues wrestling. Yukinari remembers not being able to tear himself away from the brunette, the two breathing frantically, one of his hands slowly moving higher and higher up her thigh, and his eventual taking of her first time.

'O-oh no!' In near panic, his racing heart sinking, he looks into the waste basket by his bed then lets out a long sigh glad he wouldn't have to be looking forward to fatherhood soon. Looking at Kirie atop his bed, he finds her lying perfectly still. She seemed like a dangerous lioness rendered completely harmless by her slumber but he didn't look at Kirie long, her state of undress forcing him to look away with shame. 'This is bad.. What the hell got into me?' Yukinari wondered. 'Into us!?' He finds his clothes at the foot of his bed and quickly puts them on. He proceeds to his living room sofa and sits racked with worry. 'This has to be a dream. This can only be a dream! How can't this be a dream!?' he thought urgently. After a time, the memories of last night far too vivid to have been a dream, he had no other alternative but to acknowledge this was reality. He then worried how Kirie might react: she would either murder him brutally or... No. In truth, he had difficulty imagining any other scenarios.

Back in Yukinari's room, Kirie began to stir. In her half-awake stupor, she does not fail to notice how good the blanket felt against her skin. It was not unusual for her to feel so much of the bed against her skin considering she often slept wearing very little but it did not take long for her to notice that all she had on was her tank top and skirt with nothing underneath. Immediately, fully awake now by a sense of urgency, she tears the blanket away to confirm her state of undress. She tried to stay calm and at first thought she had simply fallen asleep that way but then she noticed the room was not hers nor was the bed. With little delay she recognizes they were both Yukinari's and just as swiftly, she recalls the night before: her kissing Yukinari, his kissing her back, both tongues involved, and her collapsing atop his bed in ecstasy. In frightening detail, she remembers how solid his arms felt wrapping around her, his lips assaulting so much of her neck and chest, her hands and fingers grasping at his back and his exploration of the intimate parts of her body.

'KYYAAAaaaaaahhhhh!' she suddenly lets out.

The scream paralyzed Yukinari signaling that the dangerous brunette had awakened. Yukinari debated whether to go to her or let her come to him and he ultimately decided on the former. Forcing himself to his feet, he proceeds upstairs to find the door to his room shut. He paces nervously back and forth before his room before finally knocking on the door cautiously expecting Kirie to burst out violently. 'Kirie, are you awake?' Yukinari whispers finding no other thing to ask. Before he could ask again, he hears the door lock loudly and abruptly.


'G-go away! Go away!' he heard Kirie exclaim from inside and he could tell she was in some state of shock.

'Kirie, we need to talk' Yukinari declared but he hears no response. He then tries to turn the door knob only to confirm it was locked. 'Kirie, please open up.' Again, no response. Finding no other course of action, he decides to give Kirie her space and time. 'Kirie, if you need me, I'll be downstairs. Please come down whenever you're ready' he said. Before beginning his descent to the first floor, he hears the door to his room unlock letting him know Kirie might be ready to talk. He pushes the door open very slowly and finds Kirie under the blankets. 'Kirie?' Yukinari asks standing by the door. 'May I come in?' Kirie, too stunned to answer, does not speak. 'I'm coming in Kirie' Yukinari declares approaching his bed slowly and taking a seat at the edge of it. 'Kirie, I know what you're thinking...'

'Yukinari' Kirie begins to say under the covers, 'did we.. you and I?..'

'...Ye-yeah' Yukinari revealed with a struggle after which he could feel Kirie turning red under the covers. He couldn't blame her though: admitting to it made him a bit red in the face as well.

'Yukinari, p-please step out. I want to get dressed' Kirie requests.

'Yes, of course' he said exiting the room and closing the door slowly and quietly behind him. 'She seems to be taking it better than I expected' he thought returning downstairs. 'Thank goodness.'

'What did I do!?' Kirie panicked rubbing her hair under the covers. 'Wha-what if I get pregnant!? My mom will kill me! My dad will kill me!' she exclaimed in alarm. Spotting the waste basket beside the bed, she immediately looks into it and breathes a sigh of relief. 'Th-thank goodness... I'm not ready to be a mother' she thinks to herself before retreating under the covers again for a while.

Summoning great willpower, Kirie got out of her protective covers and gathers her clothes, shame hitting her with every article of clothing she lifted. Her clothes back in their place moments later, Kirie walks out fully clothed and proceeds downstairs where Yukinari finds her looking incredibly calm, especially for Kirie. Daintily, she takes a seat next to Yukinari.

'Kirie, about last night' Yukinari begins trying to dispel the awkwardness and looking for the right words to tell the brunette. 'I messed up. I don't know what got into me. I, I lost control.'

'Relax Yukinari, I'm not mad or anything. What happened to us was... nothing to be ashamed of' Kirie explained away taking Yukinari completely by surprise. 'It's the sort of thing people do when... they care very deeply about each other... so... it's not a bad thing' Kirie explains.

'I, I guess you're right' Yukinari agreed glad she wasn't reacting violently. 'So what now?' Yukinari asked through the pressing silence.

'Yukinari, we have to keep this between us' Kirie answers urgently. 'If this gets out, things could get very complicated.'

'Yes, you're right' Yukinari said quickly but did this mean they were both boyfriend and girlfriend now? It should only naturally follow... But he's had a girlfriend of sorts before and it did not end well: he didn't want that to happen between Kirie and himself... 'Kirie' Yukinari begins uncomfortably, 'a-are we still friends?' Kirie does not answer for a moment.

'Yukinari, I want us to be more' Kirie responds, her hands grasping each other atop her lap. 'I want to be with you' she declares earnestly. 'But Lisa and Miharu... Things could get ugly if they find out' Kirie said. Her and Yukinari's relationship with Lisa and Miharu were under threat. Not to mention, if things went south, her relationship with Yukinari could also be ruined. 'Yukinari, we have to keep this to ourselves' Kirie repeats failing to find another way.

Lisa and Miharu also weighed on Yukinari's mind and he, like Kirie, worried what effect this development might have on the two. 'I understand Kirie... But for how long must we keep this secret?' The question was a heavy one.

'I don't know' Kirie admits with difficulty. 'For as long as we have to...'

'...For as long as we have to' Yukinari repeated uneasily. 'How could we have let this happen?' he asked ashamed, his hands gripping his knees. 'Why didn't we stop ourselves!?' These questions were not hard to answer, the intensity of the night before still fresh in both their minds.

'Yukinari, what's done is done' Kirie said resting a hand on Yukinari's back.

'...You're right' Yukinari responds.

'Only you and I know about this, we need to keep it that way' Kirie said.

'Yes, yes. You're right' Yukinari agreed. After a moment of shame and self-pity, Kirie stands after noting the time.

'Yukinari, I should get going home' she declared. 'It's not like I told mom I was sleeping over, she's probably expecting me back soon.'


'I'm sorry Yukinari, I just need to go check in with her. She might have made breakfast so she'll definitely be waiting for me. I'll be back in a moment, I promise' she said. 'Actually, you can come over if you want. Mom always makes enough for company' Kirie offered.

'No thanks Kirie, I'm not hungry' Yukinari said.

'Are you sure?' Kirie asked.

'Yes' Yukinari answered unsure he'd be able to face Kirie's mother.

'Oh.. Okay' Kirie said disappointed. 'If you'd like, I'll save you some breakfast then' Kirie offered again.

'Okay, yeah' Yukinari agreed. He may not have been hungry now but he certainly loved Mrs. Kojima's cooking as well as now growing more fond of Kirie's doting. 'Thanks Kirie. Remind me to thank her too.'

'I will. And you're welcome' Kirie said with a soft smile. 'I'll be going then. I'll see you in a bit.'

Yukinari stands looking the brunette in the eye and the two instinctively embrace in a tight hug in an attempt to reassure each other. With some hesitation, they break away moments later.

'I'll see you later Kirie' Yukinari said watching the brunette make her way out.

'I'll see you later too' Kirie returned, her eyes not breaking away from Yukinari's until finally, she had closed the front door. Now outside, she heads straight to her house. 'What should we do? If Lisa and Miharu find out about this, it can only mean trouble' Kirie wondered as she entered her home. As expected, her mother was busy preparing breakfast. 'Good morning mom. I'm home' she was quick to greet her mother in the kitchen as though it were any other morning.

'Good morning Kirie' Kirie's mother, a woman named Misuzu Kojima in her early thirties with shoulder-length dark brown hair greeted back. 'Sleep over at your friend's?'

'Ye-yeah' Kirie answered hoping not to go into detail though as she stood there, she was almost tempted to tell her mother what had happened.

'Have fun?'

'S-sure' Kirie answered not looking her mother's way.

'Yukinari is such a nice boy. To let you sleep over' Misuzu praised.

'He's a wonderful friend' Kirie responds.

'You two are so close. It's adorable!' Kirie's mother praised further.

'...Y-yeah' Kirie answered with a struggle.

'That's good to hear. Breakfast is almost ready by the way. Hope you've worked up an appetite because I've made plenty' Mrs. Kojima said.

'I have. I'll be in my room for a bit' Kirie notified her mother. 'Call me down when breakfast is ready.'

'Of course, it won't be long' Misuzu assured.

'Thanks mom' Kirie said right before heading for her room and collapsing atop her bed hoping to clear her mind somehow. She reaches for a pillow and buries her face resenting the predicament she shared with Yukinari. She was all too familiar with losing a loved one to another so she could feel nothing but a heavy remorse whenever she thought of the other two girls. Without a doubt, she wanted to be more with Yukinari, but not by putting at risk her relationship with Miharu and Lisa.

Back in Yukinari's house, Yukinari tosses himself onto his sofa unsure of how to proceed. No matter how he looked at things, he felt he had messed up. He had acted on impulse and now, it meant Lisa's, and to a lesser extent, Miharu's emotions were on the line. Standing up, he approaches a wall and bangs his head on it a number of times hoping to rid himself of the guilt he was suffering. 'I'm an idiot' he told himself. 'Kirie, what have we brought on ourselves?' he muttered as if wishing for an answer to materialize out of thin air. If only he could relive the moment: he'd stop himself somehow despite the powerful allure of Kirie's body. He stands there for a time dreading the day his and Kirie's secret might get out. Hoping to get some fresh air, he proceeds to the backyard only to be stopped in his tracks at a paralyzing sight.

Looking through the sliding glass door to his backyard, he finds Lisa sitting on the back porch. At that instant, Lisa turns her head and her eyes find Yukinari's own. At first, Yukinari was too in shock to breathe a word. Actually, there was no need for words: something in Lisa's eyes let him know that Lisa knew.

'Yukinari' Lisa began, 'I had come earlier today. I entered your room looking for you only to find you and Kirie in each other's arms.' Yukinari nearly manages to speak but fails and Lisa resumes. 'So I guess this means you and her... You're supposed to be 'my' soulmate... So why?' Lisa asked sounding like a disappointed teacher berating her student. Yukinari didn't know what to say and he had nothing to say. What was done was done and this confrontation was bound to happen sooner or later. 'Was it me Yukinari? Was I too loving? Not loving enough? Too aggressive? Did my blackmail make you angry or was I not voluptuous enough? Not buxom enough? If I had been born a year sooner or if you had known me as long as Kirie, would you have chosen me?'

'Lisa, that's not it!'

'Then what? I need to know.' Before Yukinari could respond, Lisa continued. 'No... I don't need to know' Lisa declares standing up suddenly. 'I don't care to know' she says heading inside. An angry Lisa makes her way to the front door, Yukinari giving chase.

'Lisa, wait! Just please wai-'

'Just stay away!' Lisa shouts waving her staff at Yukinari and with a loud bang, a bright flash, and a cloud of smoke, Yukinari finds himself in his bath room. Recovering quickly, he makes his way out his front door where he finds a concerned Kirie in his front yard.

'Yukinari, what happened!?' Kirie asked. 'I heard a loud bang so I came to see what was up!'

'You did? So quickly after the explosion?'

'Yukinari, the explosion was about two minutes ago! I looked inside your house but you weren't inside!'

'I wasn't inside?' Yukinari asks confused but quickly shakes off the current line of questioning. 'Lisa must have used some kind of magic but it doesn't matter. Lisa's upset and I need to go calm her down' Yukinari says proceeding inside his home.

'What are you talking about Yukinari? What happened with Lisa?' Kirie asks following Yukinari into his room. Inside, she finds Yukinari grabbing a wooden baseball bat and making his way out just as quickly. 'What's with the bat?' Kirie asks becoming frustrated. 'Slow down Yukinari and answer my damn questions!' Kirie chases after Yukinari who leads the way on foot to the Fukuyama estate. The Fukuyama estate was a luxurious and overwhelming plot of land with an immense mansion at its center. Surrounding the mansion were tall hedges arranged in a maze-like pattern with exception to the paved path leading from the front gate to the front door of the mansion itself. Though the estate had security monitoring the entire area, the path leading from the front gate to the front door had the heaviest traffic of security which consisted of machine gun-carrying maids.

Boston Bravo 20

'...I'm sorry but Lisa is not expecting any visitors today so I'm afraid I cannot allow you entry' Lilica explains at the door next to the large front gate of the estate.

'Oh, okay. Very well then. May I come back tomorrow?' Yukinari questions.

'Yes, you may if you so wish. Goodbye.' And with that, Lilica closes the door.

'Alright Yukinari, I need you to tell me what's going on!' Kirie demands.

'Lisa knows' Yukinari admits, 'about you and me.'

'She does!?' Kirie exclaims pink-faced.

'I've messed up and I'm here to try to smooth things out' Yukinari explains grabbing the baseball bat he rested against the hedge surrounding the estate. 'I'm going in.'

'No, Yukinari, we both messed up so I should go too.'

'No Kirie, I think it's best I go alone. Leave it up to me!' Yukinari assures as he scans the tall hedges and pulls at some of the branches. 'She should see us one at a time.'

'A-are you sure?' Kirie asks worried.

'I'm sure Kirie. I'll handle this.'

'Oh, okay' Kirie says in agreement. 'But what's the baseball bat for though?'

'The robots' Yukinari explains. He shoves the baseball bat into the inside of the back of his shirt and begins his ascent scaling the large hedge in front of him, Kirie looking on impressed.

'Be careful Yukinari' Kirie advised.

'Don't worry Kirie, I'll be okay.' Yukinari reaches the top of the hedge and feels the thick and tall hedge underneath him. 'This seems firm enough' he thinks as he taps the top of the hedge with his bat. Looking around, he finds the path to the front door too open to sneak through so instead, he studies the maze bordering the path at a steep angle, the maze formed by the hedges that once trapped him the first time he was there. 'Okay, make a right then a left and then bypass the next intersection... Unless what I'm looking at is two rows of hedges and not three. In that case, I'll pass three hedges until I get to the third intersection after which...' he interrupts himself and then scratches his head. '...Screw it, I'll just go straight through! I climbed this hedge, why not do so with the others?' Yukinari climbs down the hedge onto the ground and immediately climbs back up the other hedge in front of him as he heads straight in the direction of the mansion. 'No mines to deal with up here and the maids, they seem to be slacking off' Yukinari notes as he spots four maids who should be patrolling the hedge maze instead playing a game of mahjong on a small table.

'Damn it! I don't need this piece!' one of the maids with light purple hair and tan skin exclaims upset.

'This game is mine at this rate!' a maid with dark blue hair and lighter skin boasts handling her game pieces. Unknown to the four Yukinari climbs down from one hedge wall and climbs up another.

Yukinari continues on his way to the Fukuyama estate spotting other maids slacking off. Some dozing off leaning against the hedges, one completely engrossed in a book, and some just chatting away about something Yukinari didn't care for. 'Man, this gig must be dull. You just walk around, stare at the lawn and wait for things to happen... Actually, those maids had the right idea. Get paid to just hang out!' Yukinari thought climbing up another hedge nearly reaching the mansion's location. On his way up the hedge to his sudden surprise, a robot hovers over to his location and spots him, its small metallic body humming as it observes Yukinari through its two red lenses. 'Sorry but not this time!' Yukinari, climbing the top of the hedge, says as he draws the baseball bat back and swings it down heavily against the hovering robot. The sound of metal bending violently rings out loudly and then a crash follows after the robot plunges down to the ground.

'Did you hear that!?' Yukinari heard a maid on patrol ask another maid walking alongside her.

'It came from over there!' Yukinari heard the other maid respond. Immediately, they began making their way through the maze.

'Uh-oh, better make myself scarce!' Yukinari thought climbing down quickly and clearing a few more hedge walls. He reaches the walls of the mansion and peers inside through one of the windows which leads into a long hallway. Finding the inside of the hallway lavishly decorated but devoid of life, he probes the window and finds it unlocked. 'Some security.'


'Scan that area over there!' a maid shouts. 'I want every corner searched!'

'Better hurry' Yukinari tells himself. He climbs in and closes the window behind him. As he does so, he hears the maids outside yelling out orders of 'secure the perimeter!', 'we have an intruder!', 'we've found a wrecked patrol bot!'. At the same time, he hears the sound of another patrol bot getting smashed. 'What was that!?' exclaimed a maid to which another answered 'It came from over there!'. 'There he is! It's a ninja in black!...?' The maids pause for a moment feeling completely surprised and confused by the sight. '...Get him!' shouted a maid and a flurry of gunfire rings out. 'He's fleeing!', 'Good job girls, we've chased him away! But next time, we need to apprehend him!'

'What the..? Who were they shooting at? Ninja in black?' Yukinari wondered as he closed the window. He didn't give it much thought and got back to the task at hand: finding Lisa and mending the damage he had caused. 'Alright, so now what?' he asked looking from one end of the corridor to another. He proceeds to one end and peeks around the corner. 'This place is empty' he whispers as he finds another long and empty hall just as luxuriously decorated but still lacking in any people. He approaches one of the doors and peeks inside. That room, after flicking on the light switch, is found to be devoid of anyone though it appeared to be a painting studio of some sort with some paintings partially done. 'What's with this place? It's so huge and yet so vacant' he comments after searching through several more empty rooms, some even devoid of any objects. 'I guess I should be thankful. This makes sneaking easier' he observes just as a dark figure sneaks up behind him.

'Good morning Yukinari' the figure says.

'Gaahh!' Yukinari exclaims in shock quickly turning around. He finds a man standing tall in a ninja outfit, his eyes focused on Yukinari's own. 'Who are you!? How did you know my name!?' Yukinari demands putting his baseball up defensively.

'Relax' the ninja says calmly. 'It's me' he says as he removes the covering on his head and reveals his identity.


'Yes, that's right' Hayate responds. 'And you're here for Mistress Lisa.'

'Yes, how did you know?'

'Research is our specialty, as is stealth' Hayate answers.

'No kidding' Yukinari says lowering his guard and relaxing. 'So, did you need something from me?'

'I want you to see Lisa and console her. She's quite displeased...'

'I, I know...' Yukinari says guiltily.

'Please, follow me' Hayate says leading the way.

'S-sure' Yukinari. '...It's all my fault' Yukinari then admits following Hayate's lead.

'Don't blame yourself too much' Hayate said. 'Mistress Lisa can at times delude herself. She has invested too much on someone she considers a soulmate. Someone who never really considered her a girlfriend.'

'How do you know that?' Yukinari asks impressed.

'Research is our specialty' Hayate repeats. 'And I understand Kosame threatened you with a gun at some point.'

'Y-yeah' Yukinari confirmed.

'It's a good thing too: had you and Mistress Lisa actually eloped, I might have had to kill you.'

'You're joking right?' Yukinari asked uneasily.

'No' Hayate responds coldly. Yukinari lets out an uneasy laugh as he recalls Kosame protecting Lisa by threatening him with a gun. 'Don't take it personally: Mistress Lisa's father just has very high standards. You do not meet them.' Yukinari opens his mouth but shuts it just as quickly not caring about Lisa's father's high standards. What mattered now was Lisa. Moments later, Hayate arrives at a large black door which stood in stark contrast with the light and cream-colored walls of the mansion's interior. 'Here we are. Lisa's room.'

'Thank you' Yukinari says gratefully. 'By the way, was it you who the maids spotted outside?'

'Yes it was: I smashed another patrol bot to draw the maids' attention and lead them away from you' Hayate explains.

'Th-thank you very much Hayate.'

'It was for Lisa's sake. She needs to see you... I'll keep an eye out. Good luck' Hayate says and with that, he disappears the same way he and Kosame often did.

Girls Bravo is an animé that was released in July of 2004.It spanned two series through 2004 and 2005.There are 24 episodes all in all.Girls Bravo is based of a manga series that spanned ten volumes through 2000 up until 2005.
Girls Brave is a comedy,ecchi(pornographic),love and drama animé.

A picture featuring all major female characters.

In short,the plot is quite bad.And kinda non existant through out the entire series.And without really spoiling anything,we only get to see it for the final couple of episode.
Now to describe it best would be just to summarize it in as few words as possible.Here goes.
Girls Bravo is about this high school kid called Yukinari Sasaki who is small in stature,and not all that brave.He's been bullied all his life by girls because of his small body and heart.And because of all the hard times that girls have given him through out his life,he's developed an allergic reaction against them.Which is sorta ironic,seeing as how his only friend is in fact a girl called Kirie.
One day he comes home from school,and decides to take a bath after a though day of being bullied by some girls.Only to walk in on Kirie who was naked in his bathroom because the water in her house is shut off.Oh,and Yukinari lived alone in a big house because his dad is in the army,and his mother decided to become a barracks wife.Leaving him alone in their house.Well after walking in on a naked Kirie,she decided to beat the living shit out of him,and the she does.And after giving him a beating she throws him into the bathtub.Now this is where the funky stuff happens.Apparently his bathtub is linked to a bathhouse on the alien planet Seiren.And guess what,he gets ported there.
Upon going through the portal,he arrived in a huge bathhouse,where there just so happens to be a girl bathing.But for some strange reason she does not make his allergies appear.Which something completely new to him.
Now Seiren is a planet almost completely inhabited by women,and men don't come there often.And every time a man does show up,the women literally fight to be his sexual partner.

Now that about as much as I can say without spoiling too much.And this is so long that I don't feel like writing anymore of the damned plot.


Now the characters in Girls Bravo are a plenty.And they have all sorts of different personalities,while all still clicking in with each other.
Note that I am only giving basic details on the characters.

Yukinari Sasaki:The main character of the series.Yukinari is a high school student that lives a fairly lonely life.He's been bullied by girls all his life,and has contracted an allergic reaction against them.As stated in the plot summary.

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Miharu Sena Kanaka:Miharu is the girl that Yukinari meets in the bathhouse on Seiren.She accidentally goes back with Yukinari back to earth.
She has a mark on her forehead shaped like three dots in a triangle.
From the girls in the picture above,she is the pink haired titular girl.Because,seriously,her breasts are bigger then watermelons.

Kirie Kojima:She is Yukinari's life long friend and neighbor.She is also a total tomboy.
She has severe anger management issues.As are seen throughout the series,as she beats people up.I don't think that that there is one episode that does not feature her kicking someones ass.
From the girls in the picture above,she is the brunette.

Kazuharu Fukuyama:A classmate of Yukinari and Kirie and the series primary antagonist. Fukuyama is rich, powerful, and perverted and while he often chases girls and picks on Yukinari.
He is a severe androphobe to the point that he's developed an allergy that causes him to break out with a rash whenever he comes into contact with another male.Which is the complete opposite to Yukinari.
He's also the perfect douchbag.He's kinda like the lord of the douchbags.

Lisa Fukuyama: Fukuyama's slightly insane younger sister. Lisa is a master of black magic, which has caused more than a few problems throughout the series (infesting her family's mansion with ghosts, summoning a giant octopus in the school swimming pool, causing an explosion within a shopping center).Lisa has a huge crush on Yukinari,and she more then once tries to kidnap him and trick him into a black magic marriage.
She has two bodyguards.Hayate and Kosame,who cater to her every whim.They are both trained 'ninjas'.Or so I have been lead to believe from their skill to appear anywhere without as much as making a sound.
Out the the girls in the picture above.Lisa is the one hugging Miharu.

Koyomi Hare NanakaA resident of Seiren who suffers a paralyzing fear of men. Her phobia is only made worse by being one of Fukuyama's favorite targets when she comes to earth. Originally sent to Earth on a mission from the Space Travel Agency to 'retrieve' Miharu, she later moves into Yukinari's house on a prolonged mission to find a husband for Maharu, Miharu's sister. Of course, her male phobia makes the act of even talking to a man nearly impossible.
In the picture above she is the Purple haired girl.

Tomoka Lana Jude resident of Seiren who was sent to aid Koyomi in finding Maharu a groom after Koyomi's less than productive efforts. Although a child, Tomoka deeply resents being treated as one and insists that she's as mature as anyone else, despite frequent actions by her which prove otherwise. Unlike the other female characters, she gets along fairly well with Fukuyama (presumably because she's too young for him to have any sexual interest in), whom she refers to as 'big-brother Kazuharu', and the two occasionally team up to obtain some mutual objective.

Personal opinions.

Now I love Girls Bravo.Despite it being almost plotless.It's just so damn funny,and so full of pornographic that it's hard to pass out on.Well from a lonely male teenagers point of view.

Girls Bravo Ep 20

Of course it is not without it's flaws.Like how some of the violence get's kinda unnecessary later on in the series.And also how some of the jokes get kinda old after hearing it a couple of times,only slightly differently.It doesn't matter how you say is,it's still the same damned joke.

Bravo 20 Movie

But it also has a lot to love about.Like how there is always enough humor in each episode for you to forget that there is no plot.And also how seeing Kirie kicking major ass is always so energetic,and brutal.

Recommendation:Girls Bravo is great if you want something mindless to watch while playing some games.Or when you're trying to fall asleep.But I would not recommend this to anyone that likes serious and overly dramatic animés.

Girls Bravo Episode 10

All criticism is appreciated.But please note that this is only my second review.And I am well aware that it sucks.But I'm no good at this,and have no real interest in being a professional reviewer.I only really did this to kill some time.