Singing Sucess 360

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  • As someone who has done all the singing success programs and found some decent success with them with my classical voice i would like to give my 2 cents. Do each CD for about 2-3 weeks, practice at a comfortable frequency. And most importantly listen to the demonstration and explanation. Do not simply jump into the exercises. Do not dwell on.
Singing Sucess 360

Is Brett Manning’s Program Worth the Money?

Singing Success 360 is Brett Manning’s latest and most extensive training in vocal to date. You’ll find that the methods here are based on Brett’s latest teaching methodologies. They are the products of over 25 years of research and teaching designed to have faster results through systematic approach.


  • $199.95 One Time Payment or
  • 2 Monthly Payments of $99 (+ $4 monthly fee) or
  • 4 Monthly Payments of $49.75 (+ $4 fee)

Course Length:

  • At Your Own Pace
  • 12 CDs w/ 17 Lessons
  • + Studio Training DVD + 16 pg. Workbook

Course Skill Level: For Beginner, Intermediate and even Expert Singers.


  1. Learn Directly from Taylor Swift + Keith Urban’s Own Vocal Coach
  2. Lessons help you constantly improve (you won’t plateau)
  3. Affordable Payment Plan Available
  4. Option of Physical Course (CDs, etc.) or Instant Download
  5. Free 15 Minute Phone Consultation (AWESOME BONUS!)
  6. 6 MONTH “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee (ZERO Risk in Trying It Out)


  1. Very Expensive! (But Payment Plan Available)
  2. Lots of Material to Get Through (Not a Bad Thing)
  3. Longer Timeframe of Study than Other Courses
  4. Requires Patience, Dedication and Practice
  5. Some Stuff Not by Brett Manning Himself (But Other Coaches Are Just as Good)
  6. (August 2014 Update): Some of the techniques taught may not be the best for you (read more below)

Buy This Course If…

  • You want to learn from the best of the best (Grammy Winners work with this guy)
  • You can’t sing at all and want to learn how
  • You CAN sing, but want to master your voice and always improve yourself
  • You need help with Pitch, Control, Power, Range, Tone or any other aspect of singing

Your Exclusive FREE Bonus

If you purchase this program through the links at you’ll get a FREE e-book written by PBE Music about how to start a successful career as a professional singer.

The book is called How To Become a Singer or Rapper: The Ultimate Starters Guide and gives you real-world information on writing and recording songs, promoting your music, touring, making money and the truth about major label record deals.

This is bombshell information that you CANNOT live without if you’re an aspiring singer.

And all you have to do is follow the instructions below:

  1. MOST IMPORTANT STEP: Clear your web browser cookies and cache (if you don’t do this step your purchase may not get registered with our site) – learn how to do this here.

  2. Purchase by clicking heremake sure to save your receipt and invoice/order number.

  3. Send an email to us at contact [at] thesingerscorner [dot] com with your order/invoice number, name and email address

  4. We’ll send you the free bonus within 24-48 hours!

That’s all you have to do and you’ll get some of the most valuable information available about succeeding as a professional singer.

Now onto the rest of the review. 🙂

***August 2014 Update***

So I got a comment on the blog from one of our readers that opened up my eyes to something very important for anyone considering to buy this program. You can read the comment on this page.

Apparently, Haley Williams may have ended up with nodules (a growth under the skin) and she thought she wouldn’t be able to sing again.

And the cause – “improper techniques and bad habits she learned in the past.”

And yes, Haley Williams did have Brett Manning as a vocal coach. You can read about it on Paramore’s blog – there’s also a video.

Now, it doesn’t specifically say it was this program or Brett Manning’s training that caused this.

So it’s impossible to say this course doesn’t work or shouldn’t be followed or that the techniques gave Haley Williams nodules.

I personally liked the course, but I’ve tried others before it.

So if you’re interested in trying the course, try it out and judge for your self.

My Personal Story With “Singing Success”

If you’ve read some of the other online singing lesson reviews on this site, you’ll know I’ve tried some of the other major courses out there. I really like a couple of them but I have to say this was the most professional one out there – and it better be for that price tag.

Higher Price = No Problem

I know many people might be turned off from the high price of the product ($199.95) – but I wasn’t. That’s because it comes with a 6 month guarantee. If you don’t improve enough that you think the course is worth it, they’ll give you all your money back, no questions asked. (Luckily I didn’t have to…)

But that in itself made buying the program a no-brainer. So I picked it up, and didn’t expect too much. But hey, I didn’t mind, I could always return it if it didn’t work out too well.

I already knew how to sing when I first got my hands on the video lessons, so I wasn’t expecting anything crazy when I first dug into the program…

Boy Was I Wrong…

I went through the first couple lessons, practiced a bit – it felt a bit different, but didn’t notice much else. It was pretty much what I expected – a course designed to help you become a better singer.


I already went through another course, so I knew how to sing.

An Unexpected Twist

But then… as I kept on going through the course (I wasn’t about to stop now, I paid good money for it!) and practicing the different techniques Brett and the team teach, I started to notice improvements in my ability to control and transition my voice.

Even though I thought I had pretty decent control, this course seemed like it was taking me to another level. I was excited…

So I kept it up, kept on practicing and learning the different lessons.

Massive Shift In The Way I Sang

By the end of the course I was honestly floored at the improvements I had made in my voice by following this program.

It was because the course is taught in a way that pretty much MAKES you take control of your voice and all the organs in your body that help you sing.

If you stick with the practicing, you’ll definitely improve with the course.

The Best Part

I actually forgot about the best part of the course for a while – the 15 minute phone consultation. 15 minutes may not seem like a lot, but trust me it’s MORE than enough to make a difference.

My 15 Minute Phone Call:

When I finally did make the call, I asked about a problem I was specifically having with my vocals.

It wasn’t a problem really – just an area I knew I needed improvement on (transitioning between my head and chest voices).

And no lie – within the 15 minutes the vocal coach (not Brett Manning, unfortunately) was able to help me with it a lot! I don’t have trouble with that stuff anymore.

Why Its The Best Part:

This was worth the price of the course in itself – the vocal coaches charge THOUSANDS of dollars for their time (obviously.. they work with Grammy winners…).

So getting this as part of a home-study vocal lesson was great.

Final Recommendation

You’d should at least try this vocal program out. It was made by one of the best in the business. Brett Manning coaches award winning superstars using this exact same method. Why wouldn’t you want to learn from him?

Whether you know how to sing really well or are a complete beginner – this course will take your voice (and your control of it) to another level altogether.

It may be high priced, but the bonuses and the 6 MONTH (yes.. you read right… 6 MONTH) money-back guarantee make it an easy decision. If you don’t like it, don’t improve or just don’t want to spend the money, you can return it no questions asked.

My thoughts? Get the program – you won’t be disappointed.

What To Expect – In Depth

Singing Success is a course by Brett Manning. Manning is a widely acclaimed vocal coach and has worked with many different artists that you might’ve heard of. He’s worked with people like Keith Urban, Taylor Swift and many others.

The program itself was created about 15 years ago but that doesn’t really matter because it’s still one of the number one online vocal lessons available on the market. It’s composed of 12 different audio CDs and a 16 page workbook.

The Bonuses

It also has a studio training DVD and a free 15 minute phone consultation for everyone who purchases.

That in itself is well worth the price of the products. The 15 minute phone consultation was enough for me to seriously consider this program. This is because you actually get to talk to a live vocal coach who will guide you through the specific problems that you’re having. It’s a great part of the product and well worth the price itself.

Practicing With Brett Manning

The recommended practice time is 3 to 6 days per week. The more you practice the faster you’ll learn, but you don’t want to push yourself too hard because you’ll end up ruining your voice. So be sure to keep track of how your voice is doing throughout the 12 audio CDs.

I basically recommend going through one of the audio CDs, then referring to the workbook when you need to. Next, practice what you learned on that audio CD for about one week before moving onto the next one. This is going to make it a longer online vocal course than something like the superior singing method, but it’ll help you really master everything that comes in the course.

A Thorough Vocal Course

This is a very, very thorough course that will take you through all the different areas you need to learn to really make a difference with your voice. Here are some of the different topics covered in this course:

  • range extension,
  • breathing techniques,
  • mixing your vocal registers,
  • less effort but more power,
  • whistle register,
  • vibrato,
  • trills, licks and runs
  • A lot more.

There are 17 total lessons throughout the 12 audio disks that you get. And there are dozens of different exercises that Brett Manning gets you to do. The system that Brett uses in his training is one of the most effective vocal coaching techniques used in the world today.

If you really want to increase the power, range and pitch of your voice you should really look at getting this system. Once you’ve gone through some of the lessons and experience the kinds of things Brett teaches you, it’s easy to know why he works with some of the biggest artists in the world.

For Beginners, Pros, Men and Women Alike

The course goes into some very basic techniques but it also teaches you how to become a truly professional singer. There’s some advanced techniques that you’re going to learn in this course that won’t be in any other singing courses.

However, having said that there are some techniques in those courses (reviewed here) that you’re not going to find in this particular course. But honestly, it is fact-based and is taught by some of the best in the business. This course is amazing.

And if you’re crazy like me you’re going to buy everything and go through it all.

The great thing about this course is that Brett provides you with different audio examples based on whether you’re a man or woman. Guys and girls both get different audio examples tailor-made for them.

Easy to Follow Videos

The course is very easy to follow and there’s a ton of different exercises that you get to do. There are audio CDs included in this which makes it kind of a pain if you ever want to download it to your MP3 player. (I don’t even know if I CAN play CDs anywhere.. other than my computer).

Personally, I prefer to stream or download MP3s but I do like the style of the superior singing method because it’s also video-based. But audio courses are just as effective as video ones. I just like watching videos rather then listening to audio. Having said that that it doesn’t take anything away from the course if you don’t mind just listening.

Final Thoughts

All in all Singing Success is a really great course that you should get if you’re interested at all in improving your voice. I like a lot of different music courses. And I’m all about learning everything I can. If you can only choose one it’s really up to you what you prefer.

Both this and the other courses we review on this site are great courses. The various courses have differences in the way they are taught. So what you’re going to want to do is figure out how you like to learn and choose that product.

I’d recommend this one just because it has a super-long refund time limit, and is taught by the best in the biz. If I had to do it over again, I’d probably get this vocal course first and see where I was at before getting the other ones.

However, the other courses I’ve tried have also given me huge improvements in my singing voice.

The Verdict

Singing success with Brett Manning is one of the best courses I’ve seen online.

I’ve seen a lot of different ones and have read a lot of different books. I also watch a lot of different videos and I only review the ones that I believe really help people sing better on my site.

Brett Manning’s Singing Success is one of those courses that I really, really like.

I’d recommend this to anybody who really wants to improve their vocals. Whether you’re a novice or somebody who already sings all the time, there’s something that you’ll find in this course that’s going to make you a better singer.

Here’s a quick video that will show you the quality and caliber or training you’ll get.

One of the biggest challenges in learning to sing online today is researching and finding the best singing programs available.

When I first started learning how to sing, I spent a ton of time trying out different singing methods and experimenting with different online singing lessons and courses in order to find the right fit.

In fact, when I first began taking lessons, I thought that I had to buy the most expensive program I could find because that had to be the best one.

But now, all the information that you’ll need about the best singing programs is right here at your fingertips.

The truth is, the internet is packed with tons of false information about the effectiveness of different singing programs.

And sometimes, the most expensive one is not the best.

It can be difficult to separate the fact from the fiction so I wanted to dedicate a little time to highlighting the most popular singing courses out there and a little bit about their approach in their own words.

Finding the Best Singing Program for You

There are lots of different things to consider when you’re looking for the perfect singing course.

You may find that price is the biggest issue.

Or perhaps the presentation of the material is the most important to you.

With online courses, making sure the course is always accessible can also be a factor.

Or maybe you want the biggest bang for your buck and the number of exercises is the biggest issue for you.

But here’s the bottom line:


You want to find the best and most thorough course to teach you how to sing.

That way, you can continue to grow with the course as your voice develops.


Finding a vocal program that can take you step-by-step through the phases of improving your voice is hard, but I wanted to take sometime today to look at each course and some testimonials from students who have taken them.

Here’s what I found.

1. Master Your Voice

Teacher: Matt Ramsey

Price: Enrollment opens twice a year

Format: Lifetime Access to Online Video and Audio

From the website: “Want to expand your vocal range, hit high notes with power and gain control of your voice?

No matter whether you’ve been touring for 20 years or just love to sing karaoke, Master Your Voice will help you achieve your goals.

Here’s what you get:

9 modules of video training: You get access to 62 step-by-step HD video lessons. In each video, I’m right there showing you an exercise with the piano. For every new vocal technique, I’ll show you what it does and how and when to use it.

42 individual audio warm ups: After every exercise, you also get access to a full audio warm up so you can practice what you just learned. These high-quality recordings are separated into male and female keys, with demonstrations for each.

30-Day “5 Note Guarantee”: I’m so convinced that the singing techniques I teach in Master Your Voice will help you expand your range, that I guarantee you will add 5 notes or more to your vocal range in less than 30 days.

10 in-depth modern song tutorials: At the end of each section, we’ll look at two songs (one for guys and one for girls) to apply what you’ve learned. These ain’t your dad’s songs! We’ll be looking at chart topping songs by Sam Smith, Adele, John Legend and Rihanna and show you exactly how to sing each one.

Bonus Vocal Effects Section: We’ve added loads of bonus material to the course. So whether you’re looking to sing legato, crescendos or finally master vibrato, the extensive vocal effects section will give you the voice of your dreams.

Private VIP Group: As soon as you enroll, you’ll get lifetime access to an exclusive singing community designed to keep you on track and improving your voice. Post your progress, meet new singing friends and find a vocal “workout buddy” in this accountability-minded singing group.

Brett manning singing success cds

Complete Vocal Warmup: In addition to the main course lectures, you’ll also get instant access to a Complete 30-Minute Vocal Warmup so you can practice on the go. If you’ve only got a few minutes to practice, these hand-picked vocal exercises will get you warmed up and ready to sing FAST!”

Lifetime Access: No monthly subscriptions or waiting for videos to come out! Once you hit enroll, you’ll get access to everything in the course for life. So you can brush up on the material anytime and anywhere.

Testimonial: “I hit a high A, which was never in my range before, so I’ve definitely increased my upper range. I’ve also noticed my lower notes are stronger and more easily accessible. I definitely feel stronger vocally overall and I don’t have nearly as much strain or soreness after long studio sessions!” – Mella, Studio Singer

2. Superior Singing Method

Teacher: Aaron Anastasi

Price: $147

Format: Online Video and Audio

From the website: “How Superior Singing Method Will Help You?

#1: Better Vocal Control

With the help of superior singing method, you will be able to sing amazingly with having better control over your vocals. Now you would no more have vocal cracks, breaks or shakiness.

#2: Develop More Accurate Pitch

You will be getting breakthrough vocal training with the help of which you will be able to develop the vocal muscles that are the main cause of your poor pitch.

#3: Unlock Improved Tone

The superior singing method contains several tips and techniques that you will learn about which will help you identify your unique tone.

#4: Improved Vocal Power

People often get stressed while singing and that’s because of lack of confidence. With superior singing method, you will learn about howto eliminate tension and get more confidence while singing through some simple tips and techniques.

#5: More Precise Vocal Agility

It will make you able to bounce from note to note while you sing as your precise vocal agility will get developed with the help of superior singing method program.

#6: Develop Your Mix Voice

If you are the one who want to sing higher notes with more power, better vocal tone, sing with less strain, and smooth out the transitions in your voice while you sing then it becomes important to develop your mix voice.

#7: Increase Your Vocal Range

Increasing your vocal range is very much important as it allows you to sing higher notes with ease and less strain like many great singers does.

#8: Learn Advanced Singing Techniques

Superior singing method program is perfect for both beginners and advanced learners as it is made to help students take their singing skills to new levels and get them closer to their dream as a singer.”

Testimonial: “I really liked the structure of the course. It is very easy to follow and understand, it shows you a “course progress” bar, and every week I gradually felt how I was constantly improving and my favorite songs that I like to sing while playing guitar…just began to sound much better. –Alon Cooper, Student

3. How to Sing Better than Anyone Else

Teacher: Ken Tamplin

Price: $429

Format: DVD Video and USB Thumb Drive

From the website: “Overcome your fear of singing, drastically grow your voice, and become a singer people love listening to.

[Learn] from a world-class vocal coach at a ridiculously low cost.

(1) Very few coaches sing (and even fewer sing well)… and very few courses demonstrate their students singing. KTVA is the opposite. Ken sings really well, and has 100’s of videos proving it. And so can his students– like Anthony Vincent and Gabriela Guncivonka.…the PROOF is in the singing!

(2) Because Ken can sing, it means that in the video course he can demonstrate everything he asks you to do. And explain how everything is supposed to ‘feel’ – making the course very intuitive.

(3) No other singing course has as many raving reviews by people whose voices have actually been transformed by the course – seriously!

(4) Most coaches list 1 or 2 mentors that taught them how to sing. Ken has spent $965,000 on his own voice learning from 30 coaches around the world.

(5) Just ask people. Ask anyone who has taken multiple singing courses in their life and, if they’ve taken through How To Sing Better Than Anyone Else… almost without fail… they’ll say that it beats the other courses by a landslide.”

Testimonial: “This course will give you everything you need to know in building and growing your voice.” –Anthony Vincent

4. Singing Success 360

Teacher: Brett Manning

Price: $360

Format: Online Audio

Singing Success 360 Pdf

From the website: “Many people know that Singing Success 360 is a great resource for singers belonging to all skill levels. This program is for singers who are having difficulty in singing high notes, having vocal power and endurance, singing in tune, improving the vocal tone, and developing vibrato.

It is a program that will to help you in improving your singing ability, and developing your unique voice. It allows you to sing with great ease and consistency.

Singing Success 360 is Brett Manning’s latest and most extensive training in vocal to date. You’ll find that the methods here are based on Brett’s latest teaching methodologies. They are the products of over 25 years of research and teaching designed to have faster results through systematic approach. Ten of the most typical musical genres are included in the style section of Singing Success 360. They include improvisational sing-a-long tracks that can help you in developing your unique style in whatever genre you want.”

Testimonial: “SS360 has taken away some anxiety from that. I think it’s just made me feel more confident and maybe I would actually call myself a singer whereas I would never have done that previously… I would recommend it a lot.” –Lauren Mayberry

5. Elite Singing Techniques

Teacher: Erik Arceneaux

Price: $99

Format: Online Video and Audio

From the website: “Step by step singing system proven to develop great technique and vocal mastery, results are immediate!

Would you like to eliminate every struggle that you are faced with when singing?

This course is your “Professional Training” for singing. It is the most direct and to the point complete online singing course.

Follow the Videos in the Exact Same Order and You Will See a Huge Positive Change in Your Playing

86 Lectures/Videos with PDF Attachments

Over 4.5 hours of hard hitting video training

It’s available on a PC or MAC and there is a iPad and iPhone app ready to go! (Android app is coming soon).

Keeping track of which videos you have already watched is a breeze. Udemy has a great way of keeping track of your completed lessons.

Brett Manning Singing Success

The entire course is organized in step-by-step easy to follow layout

The more you practice the better you will get. With the right practice style you will be able to witness fast results!

Eric’s teachings are different than all of the other online teachers. He has made it super easy to be successful at singing. All you have to do is follow the videos in order and put together some good practice habits.”

Testimonial: “Whenever I’m struggling I come back to this course and go over the exercises to smooth out any breaks and strengthen my vocal chords. I use the warm up daily and I can honestly feel my vocal skills improving thanks to AAproach :)” –Mandy Jacob


There are literally tons of singing programs out there. Actually, there are so many that we didn’t have time to talk about all of them today.

This was just a quick list of the most popular vocal courses available today and a primer on what they teach.

In the end, you should take a closer look at each one to decide which is the right fit for you.

Brett Manning Singing Success Cds

Here’s the bottom line:

Singing Success 360

You want to find a teacher and course that you can grow with over time.

So make sure that the price, presentation and content is something that you can work with over the time it takes to develop a great singing voice.

One of the best ways to do that is by taking a look at the blogs and videos that each instructor puts out and getting a feel for what they teach.

Then, once you’ve found a teacher that matches your personal learning style, commit to trying out their course for a period of time and watch your results.

In the end, the most important criteria for picking the best singing program is that you feel the teacher has your best interests at heart and has the experience to take you where you want to go.

By the way, if you want a vocal program that will take you through all these singing techniques, you can check out my complete singing course, Master Your Voice, here.